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New Jersey To Legalize Online Blackjack

Blackjack players in the United States have been despairing about means to access legally permissible online blackjack games ever since the UIGEA gaming laws were instituted. However for the blackjack players in the state of New Jersey, the situation appears to be taking a turn for the better as the region’s authorities are taking steps to legalize online blackjack.

Currently, both the Republican and Democratic parties are working with the Senate and have passed a bill that permits games like blackjack and poker to be played online. Players will be overjoyed to know that the vote to legalize online blackjack and other casino games in the state of New Jersey had the approval of the majority and the Senate passed with the vote of 32 in favor versus 2 votes against. The new bill will permit online casinos in New Jersey residents to play blackjack online for real money.

New Jersey is the first state in the USA to take this step, and it is expected that others will follow this example.

The Assembly also voted in favour of the bill and is now awaiting its signing for it to go into effect. Chris Christie, the governor of New Jersey will have to sign off on this bill for it to be implemented. The community expects no obstacles from the governor who is known to be a supporter of the cause.

This blog entry was posted on Wednesday, January 12th, 2011 at 7:16 pm and is filed under Blackjack News.

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