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MIT Blackjack Team’s Books Popular with Players

Blackjack players and those new to the game of blackjack looking to learn some tips and strategies on how to beat the house and win at the game are looking at books written by the MIT team of blackjack players that once trumped the blackjack tables of Las Vegas for millions of dollars.

Almost everyone who is in the blackjack community is aware of the MIT Blackjack Team and the real success. As a result, players find these books of real life experiences and tips very helpful. Furthermore, the books are not just plain instructive but also have interesting anecdotes that make for entertaining and easy reads.

Two books written by members of the MIT Blackjack Team are Bringing down the House and Professional Blackjack.

Bringing down the House which was authored by Ben Mezrich and first broke the story about the team of six MIT students who worked together at blackjack tables counting cards and winning money. This book is more of a story than strategy but considering that it is a real life one – it is very inspiring.

The second book is instructive and is called Professional Blackjack; it is authored by another member of the famous blackjack team, namely Stanford Wong.

This blog entry was posted on Sunday, December 23rd, 2012 at 2:23 am and is filed under Blackjack News.

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