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Maryland Live Casino To Hire Blackjack Dealers

The Maryland Live Casino that caters to blackjack and casino players may be planning to add to its facilities and thus improve its player traffic. Recent plans include adding a hotel in a high rise style to the premises.

According to David Cordish from Cordish Cos, there is a “very good chance” of improving the current stetting of the Maryland Casino by adding a hotel complex to the site. Cordish also added while remarking to a reporter that these were only preliminary plans and that nothing was definite. “You’re a little bit ahead of me. You asked are we thinking about it. The answer is absolutely, but I don’t have it definite yet,” he said.

He also announced that the casino planned to hire blackjack dealers and 1,200 more employees. This report followed the approval of the committee to add table games like blackjack and roulette. Once the new employees join the casino, the casino’s employment strength will almost be doubled and will go up to nearly 3,000.

“Today really marks the culmination of our commitment to build a world-class, full-destination casino that will equal and exceed anything in Las Vegas or Atlantic City, and to do that you needed to add this one final component,” Cordish said, referring to live table games.

This blog entry was posted on Wednesday, December 5th, 2012 at 8:54 pm and is filed under Blackjack News.

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