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Blackjack Player Larry Evans Passes Away at 78

Larry Evans, the reputed blackjack master player, passed away at the age of 78 during a gall bladder operation, much to the surprise of the blackjack community. Evans, who was also known for his skill at the game of chess, resided in Nevada and had to his credit the authorship of several books, a number of which discussed chess.

Although reputed for his success at the game of chess, Larry Evans was also a great blackjack player who learned how to play blackjack and quickly became an expert at counting cards. Evans great blackjack skills stemmed from his logical approach to the game and his mathematical abilities which he used in tandem to win at blackjack. Evans made a name for himself in the world of blackjack in 1968, long before card counting was considered to be popular and people were being instructed in it. Evans used his card counting abilities and calm logic to sort through game after game of blackjack and made a good amount of money. Evans was known to frequent the blackjack tables in the casinos at Reno where he worked at making some extra dollars.

His great logic and mathematical gaming mind made him excel in counting blackjack cards way back in 1968 before card counting came into fashion refining his memory and making some extra cash playing blackjack at Reno casinos. However, Evans was soon spotted by casino officials and was then banned from these tables in Reno.

This blog entry was posted on Friday, December 10th, 2010 at 8:30 pm and is filed under Blackjack News.

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